F-1 Employment

On-Campus Employment
On-campus employment is limited to 20 hours per week (including assistantships) during the school year. Full-time employment is permitted during summer and vacation periods.
Students who receive an I-20 from Georgia State University and are maintaining F-1 visa status are eligible to work on-campus without prior authorization from ISSS.
In general, there are two kinds of on-campus jobs:
- Georgia State University (graduate assistantships, student assistantships, school library, etc.)
- Private Vendors / Companies who provide on-campus services to students, such as the bookstore.
If you have questions about on-campus employment, are changing your visa status to F-1 or have lost your F-1 visa status - speak with an ISSS advisor before accepting employment.
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
When can I start on-campus employment?
If you transferred your SEVIS record to Georgia State University from another school, but did not complete one semester at that school, then you can start employment no more than 30 days prior to the beginning of your first semester.
If you are a transfer student who has completed one semester at your previous school, you can start employment after your SEVIS record has been transferred to Georgia State University and your transfer pending I-20 has been issued.
Please note that these rules apply to transfer students whose SEVIS records were transferred to Georgia State University and the transfer pending I-20 is generated. If you have not transferred your SEVIS record or do not have your transfer pending I-20, then you cannot start employment during the 30-day period before the start of classes.
When should I stop on-campus employment?
- You completed your program of study
- You transferred your SEVIS record to another school
- You failed to maintain your F-1 visa status
- Your I-20 expired
- You changed your visa status from F-1 to a visa status that does not allow this type of employment
Can I work full-time?
I was offered a job that I think is considered on-campus, but I am not sure. What should I do?
What is Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Regulatory Reference: 8 CRF 214.2 (f)(10)
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a temporary, off-campus employment authorization for F-1 visa students. Curricular means the employment must be required or related to a course in the student's major program of study and the student must receive academic credit for the experience.
- Full-time enrollment for one academic year (fall + spring) prior to authorization at Georgia State University or at another SEVIS approved institution unless your internship experience is required (and clearly stated in the Academic Catalog) to complete your program
- Active F-1 visa status
- Good academic standing
- Reviewed the "How to Apply for CPT" instructional video, found below.
- Availability of an existing course in the student's major or program of study to support CPT. Course availability is determined by the student's academic advisor or supervising faculty member - not ISSS.
- IEP students are not eligible
Quick Facts
- Start Date: CPT authorizations may begin after the last day of finals in the prior semester.
- End Date: CPT authorizations should end prior to the start of classes in the next semester. An internship offer beyond the next semester's start date requires another CPT authorization and CPT course enrollment in the next semester. If the CPT authorization takes place in a student's final semester. then the CPT authorization end date should not extend past the last day of finals in that semester.
- CPT work cannot begin without ISSS approval and issuance of an updated I-20. Plan ahead to ensure that all parts of the CPT application are submitted, processed and approved before employment is to begin.
- CPT is employer-specific, which means an offer of employment is required to apply.
- Modifications made to authorized CPT employment require support from the student's academic department.
How to Apply
- Review the "How to Apply for CPT" instructional video, found below.
- Obtain an employment offer letter with all required information clearly provided by the employer
- Register for the CPT course in respective program of study
- Submit the CPT request e-form in iStart
Employment Offer Letter Requirements
The employment offer letter must contain the following information:
- Student's Full Name
- Position Title
- Company Name
- Address where the work will take place
- Start & end dates of employment (within possible CPT authorization dates)
- Hours per week (20 or less for part-time / 21 or more for full-time)
When to Submit the CPT e-Form in iStart
You can submit the CPT Request e-form in iStart if:
- You reviewed the "How to Apply for CPT" instructional video, found below.
- You obtained an employment/internship letter
- You registered for your program of study's CPT course
Duration of Authorization
CPT may begin the day following the last day of finals in the prior semester. CPT authorizations should end prior to the start of classes in the next semester, unless a student is in their final semester. If a student is in their final semester, then CPT should end on the last day of finals of that semester.
Example: For a fall CPT authorization, employment can begin the day after the last day of summer finals. The authorization should end prior to the first day of classes in Spring, unless fall is the student's final term. If fall is the student's final term, then the authorization should end prior to the last day of fall finals.
An internship offer beyond the next semester's start date requires another CPT authorization and CPT course enrollment in the next semester.
Part-Time or Full-Time Employment
During the fall and spring semesters, CPT is approved for part-time employment (20 hours a week or less) while classes are in session. Full-time (21 hours or more a week) will only be approved in limited circumstances such as:
- During vacation periods when school is not in session such as summer, winter and spring breaks
- Students in programs that require full-time internships (clearly stated in the Academic Catalog and confirmed by academic advisor or supervising professor)
- Students in their final semester who are taking less than a full course load, which has been pre-approved by ISSS
- Graduate students who have completed all required course work and are taking less than a full course load while completing their thesis or dissertation, which has been pre-approved by ISSS
CPT Course Considerations for Student & Academic Advisor
Courses Used for CPT Approval
- Generally, Doctoral dissertation and thesis research hours cannot be used to satisfy the credit-bearing course requirement for CPT. Such courses only fulfill the CPT credit requirement if a student’s dissertation or thesis requires gathering data at a particular corporation’s research and development facilities which requires employment or permission for access.
- The student must register for a course that carries academic credit, is listed in the regular bulletin of course offerings, and has a faculty member assigned to teach the course.
- The course cannot be a class designated outside the scope and purpose of CPT.
Example: student signs up for ACCT 21010 (Principles of Accounting 1) and seeks to utilize this class for both CPT and normal course credit.
Instructional Video on How to Apply for CPT
Best viewed in Firefox or Chrome in full-screen
CPT Drop-In Hours
Drop in hours are not currently available. Instead, please watch the How to Apply for CPT instructional video within one year of applying for CPT and sign in to QLess to ask additional questions about Curricular Practical Training (CPT). .
Employment authorization and ISSS approval is required before off-campus employment can begin. Working off-campus without authorization is a violation of the F-1 visa status and can result in the loss of F-1 visa status.
Curricular Practical Training FAQ
Does CPT affect my ability to request Post-Completion OPT?
Can I start working before ISSS approves my CPT e-form?
Can I hold a GRA and do CPT at the same time?
Is it possible to do full-time CPT while school is in session?
What about Volunteering or Unpaid Internships?
What is Optional Practical Training (OPT)?
Regulatory Reference: 8 CFR 214.2 (f)(10)(ii)
Optional Practical Training or OPT is a benefit of the F-1 student visa status that provides authorization for off-campus employment in a student's field of study. The initial period of OPT approval is 12 months, once per degree level.
Eligible students can submit an application to USCIS for authorization to engage in Pre-Completion OPT or Post-Completion OPT. Post-Completion OPT is a work authorization granted after completion of the academic program on the student's I-20.
STEM majors (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) are eligible for the additional 24-month STEM OPT Extension, following Post-Completion OPT.
General Eligibility Requirements
- The student must be in valid F-1 status at the time of application and must have been enrolled full-time for at least one academic year preceding the application.
- The student must be in the final semester of his or her academic program (unless applying for Pre-Completion OPT).
- The student must have no holds on the student record and no balance owed to the university.
- The student must have reviewed the "How to Apply for OPT" instructional video, found below.
- The student must not have already been approved for OPT for the same education level.
Definition of Completion of Study for Post-Completion OPT:
For undergraduate and graduate non-thesis students, completion of a course of study is the last day of the final exams of the semester in which they finish all degree requirements. All other graduate students can choose between three dates for completion of study:
- On the last day of finals in the semester in which the student completes all required coursework.
- On the date the student successfully defends the thesis/dissertation/project. (This date is established between the student and the academic advisor or department chair.)
- On the last day of finals in the semester in which the final degree requirement is met.
Application Timeline
Students may also submit a complete Post-Completion OPT application to USCIS within the 60 day Grace Period following completion of study. In all cases, allow 6-8 weeks or more for processing by USCIS.
However, the OPT application must be receipted by USCIS on or before day 60 in order to be eligible. Students who during their Grace Period should allow sufficient time for mailing and receipting by USCIS.
A job offer is not required to apply for OPT.
Post-Completion OPT Authorization Dates
Example: Requested Post-Completion OPT Start Date of February 2,2025. Recommended End Date is February 1,2026.
Please Note: While students can choose any date within 60 days after completion of the study as the start date of OPT, they must complete OPT within 14 months after completion of study.
- Example: If your completion of study date is December 17, 2024, you have until February 16, 2026, to complete your one year of OPT.
How to Apply
Requesting the Post-Completion I-20
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Practical Training and submit the Post-Completion OPT Request e-form.
- Students requesting Pre-Completion OPT should speak with an ISSS advisor to determine eligibility and will be given access to the Pre-Completion OPT e-form.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of a decision or follow-up for more information.
***Important: USCIS must receive the OPT application within 30 days of the date the I-20 was generated by the ISSS Advisor and prior to the end of the 60 day grace period. Failure to submit within these time frames could result in the denial of your application.***
Apply by Mail
- Two (2) Payment Options
- Personal check or U.S. money order in the amount of current I-765 filing fee made payable to Department of Homeland Security. The current I-765 filing fee can be found on the USCIS website.
- By credit card. Submit completed form G-1450 (Authorization for Credit Card Transaction) with your application.
- Two (2) passport-style photos with your I-94 number lightly penciled on the back of photos. Photos need to be within the last 30 days.
- Completed Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (if desired)
- Completed Form I-765 (signed in black ink). Make sure to include the proper Post-Completion Code Eligibility (C) (3) (B) on I-765.
- Post-Completion OPT Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink).
- Copy of passport biographical page.
- Copy of Visa Stamp or I-797 Approval Notice if you changed your visa status within the U.S.
- Copy of I-94.
- Photocopies of all old I-20s for Full-Time CPT (if applicable)
- Photocopies of all previous EAD cards (if applicable)
- Job offer letter (optional)
USCIS Mailing Address: Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization for Foreign Students can be found on the USCIS website.
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents you send USCIS for your records.
Apply Online
Students should gather the following materials:
- Digital 2x2 color passport photo that meets USCIS specifications
- A scan of your passport biographical page.
- A scan of all previous EAD cards (if applicable)
- A scan of all old I-20s authorizing CPT (if applicable)
- Post-Completion OPT Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink before scanning).
- A copy of your most recent I-94.
- A credit/debit card to pay the USCIS filing fee
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents submitted to USCIS for your records, including the I-765 draft.
Once you have gathered all of your documents, log into your USCIS Online Account and click to file the I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. The eligibility category for OPT is (c)(3)(B) Student Post-Completion OPT.
Processing Times & Application Status
- OPT Receipt (Notice of Action): Students filing online will receive an electronic receipt notice within 24 hours of submission, and the official paper notice should arrive in the mail within approximately 2 weeks.
- Application Status: 24/7. Available on the USCIS website with the SRC number indicated on the Notice of Action.
- OPT Approval: We are currently seeing processing times in excess of 100 days. ISSS has no way to expedite or control the processing times. Recently, average processing times and delivery of your EAD card to ISSS have been 12-16 weeks. Students are emailed by ISSS the same day their EAD cards are received, except during weekends and holidays.
- I-20 with OPT Approval: 3-5 days. ISSS recommends requesting an updated Form I-20 via iStart that indicates "OPT Approved" once you receive your EAD card.
- Delayed Processing: If more than 90 days have passed after the receipt date on your Notice of Action, contact your ISSS advisor. Please note that OPT applications cannot be expedited. Students may not begin working without their official EAD Card.
Instructional Video on How to Apply for OPT
Best viewed in Firefox or Chrome in full-screen
Maintaining Status While on Post-Completion OPT
Employment Reporting and Unemployment Limit
- Students cannot work without a valid EAD card. Employment can only begin once the Start Date on the EAD card has arrived. To have any paid or unpaid employment before the EAD is valid may result in loss of F-1 visa status.
- Students are permitted 90 days of unemployment while on Post-Completion OPT.
- Any changes in employment (new or departure) must be reported within 10 days of the change via iStart.
- All employment must be directly related to the student's degree.
- Employment can be paid or unpaid.
- Students can have multiple employers.
- Employment is defined as working at more than 20 hours per week. Work for hire and multiple short-term employment is permitted; however, it is encouraged to engage in anything above 20 hours per week while authorized for OPT to avoid unemployment accrual.
How to Report Changes in Employment in iStart:
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Practical Training and submit the Post-Completion OPT Employment Reporting e-form.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of a approval or follow-up for more information.
Update U.S. Physical Address
If your Campus ID is no longer active, then report all U.S. physical updates within 10 days by logging into iStart and submitting the U.S. Physical Address Update e-form under the "F-1 Practical Training" tab.
Other Important Information
After Post-Completion OPT Expiration
- Transfer SEVIS record to a different institution
- Obtain a Change of Level I-20 from ISSS to begin new degree program (which begins within 5 months)
- Depart the U.S.
- Change visa status within the U.S.
Please note: Students eligible to apply for the STEM OPT Extension with USCIS must do so within the 90-days before the expiration date listed on their current Post-Completion OPT EAD card. The STEM OPT Extension application cannot be submitted after Post-Completion OPT has ended.
H-1B Cap Gap Extension
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Student Services and submit the I-20 Update or Duplicate e-form.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of approval or follow-up for more information.
Enrollment or Starting a New Degree Program
If a student transfers to another school or begins another degree program during Post-Completion OPT - even though the EAD card still appears valid, the OPT authorization will end on the date of the SEVIS transfer or the Program Start Date on the issued Change of Level I-20.
Consult an ISSS advisor for more information on enrollment while on Post-Completion OPT.
Travel and OPT
ISSS strongly encourages you to not travel while your Post-Completion OPT application is pending with USCIS. Exiting the U.S. while your application is pending could result in USCIS denying your application. By exiting the U.S., USCIS may view your exit as an abandonment of your application. If an emergency situation occurs that may require you to leave the U.S. while the application is pending, ISSS strongly encourages you to seek advice from an ISSS advisor.
Travel While OPT is Active:
Students may travel outside the United States while engaging in OPT, but are only advised to do so if they have employment.
If you travel outside the U.S. while on OPT, you will need the following during re-entry: (1) Travel signature on page 2 of I-20, (2) valid EAD Card, (3) employment letter showing you have valid employment, (4) Valid Passport, and (5) Valid F-1 Visa. If you try to re-enter the U.S. without proof of valid employment, you may be denied entrance by Customs and Border Protection (CPB). ISSS also recommends you travel with original copies of your academic transcripts.
Remember: Travel signature requests should be submitted via iStart at least two weeks in advance of travel.
Optional Practical Training FAQ
This is very common. Unfortunately, USCIS does not regularly update OPT case statuses. Once approved, typically the case status skips from “Initial Review” to either “Post Decision Activity” or “Card/Document Production.” A that point, please allow a few days for your card to arrive.
Recently, USCIS has been experiencing difficulty with their database system and sometimes the case status does not register. Don’t worry! This does not mean USCIS has not received your application and is not processing it. If you have an I-797C Receipt Notice, this means they have officially received your application and are processing it. However, if you want to confirm, you must contact USCIS directly at 1-800-375-5283. You may also want to check back on the website periodically to see if your case status is now registering.
You should wait until you have received your EAD Card and the start date on the card is valid in order to begin work.
If your OPT application was approved, but your card was lost in the mail - please contact USCIS to request a replacement. Present the receipt notice for your replacement card to your employer to learn if it can be used for hiring/employment purposes.
You must wait until you have received your EAD Card and the start date on the card is valid in order to begin work. Example: Your EAD Card start date is January 1, 2012, but you receive your card on December 1. You cannot begin work until January 1, 2012, even if you have the card.
No. USCIS currently does not require fingerprint/biometric scanning.
A student who has exceeded 90 days of unemployment while on post-completion OPT has violated their F-1 visa status. SEVIS will automatically terminated this record if no employment is reported, unless one of the following actions is taken: (1) applied to continue his/her education by a change of education level or transferring to another SEVP-certified school (2) departed the United States or (3) Taken action to otherwise maintain legal status, i.e. filed a change of status to another visa status, etc. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may deny you a future immigration benefit for exceeding the 90-day unemployment limit while remaining in the country. For example, if you apply for Permanent Residency (Green Card), USCIS may deny your request based on the fact you failed to follow visa regulations for your F-1 status. If you are getting close to exceeding the 90-day limit, you should begin to make plans to do any of the 3 options listed above
Your visa status (F-1) does not change while on OPT. You are still considered in F-1 status while on OPT and must abide by all F-1 regulations
No. If the position you are "volunteering" for will be the same position for which you will be paid for once your employment authorization begins (when you have the EAD card with a valid start date), then ISSS does not recommend you work in an unpaid capacity. Your employer may be violating U.S. federal labor laws by permitting you to work in an unpaid capacity in a position which is normally compensated for similar workers.
Unfortunately, you will have to wait until you receive your EAD card before you can renew your license. Once you have your new EAD card, your renewal dates will be based on your EAD card, typically 1 year
If you travel while the application is pending and try to re-enter with an I-797C receipt, USCIS may deny you entry into the United States and require you to return home immediately.
Optional Practical Training FAQ
This is very common. Unfortunately, USCIS does not regularly update OPT case statuses. Once approved, typically the case status skips from “Initial Review” to either “Post Decision Activity” or “Card/Document Production.” A that point, please allow a few days for your card to arrive.
Recently, USCIS has been experiencing difficulty with their database system and sometimes the case status does not register. Don’t worry! This does not mean USCIS has not received your application and is not processing it. If you have an I-797C Receipt Notice, this means they have officially received your application and are processing it. However, if you want to confirm, you must contact USCIS directly at 1-800-375-5283. You may also want to check back on the website periodically to see if your case status is now registering.
You should wait until you have received your EAD Card and the start date on the card is valid in order to begin work.
If your OPT application was approved, but your card was lost in the mail - please contact USCIS to request a replacement. Present the receipt notice for your replacement card to your employer to learn if it can be used for hiring/employment purposes.
You must wait until you have received your EAD Card and the start date on the card is valid in order to begin work. Example: Your EAD Card start date is January 1, 2012, but you receive your card on December 1. You cannot begin work until January 1, 2012, even if you have the card.
No. USCIS currently does not require fingerprint/biometric scanning.
A student who has exceeded 90 days of unemployment while on post-completion OPT has violated their F-1 visa status. SEVIS will automatically terminated this record if no employment is reported, unless one of the following actions is taken: (1) applied to continue his/her education by a change of education level or transferring to another SEVP-certified school (2) departed the United States or (3) Taken action to otherwise maintain legal status, i.e. filed a change of status to another visa status, etc. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may deny you a future immigration benefit for exceeding the 90-day unemployment limit while remaining in the country. For example, if you apply for Permanent Residency (Green Card), USCIS may deny your request based on the fact you failed to follow visa regulations for your F-1 status. If you are getting close to exceeding the 90-day limit, you should begin to make plans to do any of the 3 options listed above
Your visa status (F-1) does not change while on OPT. You are still considered in F-1 status while on OPT and must abide by all F-1 regulations
No. If the position you are "volunteering" for will be the same position for which you will be paid for once your employment authorization begins (when you have the EAD card with a valid start date), then ISSS does not recommend you work in an unpaid capacity. Your employer may be violating U.S. federal labor laws by permitting you to work in an unpaid capacity in a position which is normally compensated for similar workers.
Unfortunately, you will have to wait until you receive your EAD card before you can renew your license. Once you have your new EAD card, your renewal dates will be based on your EAD card, typically 1 year
If you travel while the application is pending and try to re-enter with an I-797C receipt, USCIS may deny you entry into the United States and require you to return home immediately.
STEM OPT Extension
Regulatory Reference: 8 CFR 214.2 (f)(10)(ii)(C)
Students holding a degree in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) majors may be eligible for a 24-month extension after the first 12-month period of Post-Completion OPT period for a total of 36 months of OPT.
General Eligibility Requirements
- Be in a current period of approved Post-Completion OPT.
- Have a current offer of employment for 20 hours per week (or more) with an E-Verified employer in a position directly related to the student's STEM degree.
- Obtain a degree in a STEM-approved major with a corresponding STEM CIP code that appears on the DHS STEM Designated Degree Program List. *Your degree's CIP code can be found on page 1 of your I-20 in the Program of Study section. Look for the 6-digit numerical code directly under Major 1/Major 2.
- Note: The STEM OPT Extension is based on the student's major, not degree concentration.
- Under certain circumstances, an F-1 student may use a prior STEM degree to meet eligibility requirements. The applicant must have received their most recent qualifying STEM degree within 10 years of applying for the STEM OPT extension, and it must appear on DHS's STEM Designated Degree Program List at the time the student submits their application for the STEM OPT extension, rather than at the time that the student received the degree.
STEM Eligible Majors & CIP Codes
Application Timeline
The STEM OPT Extension application cannot be submitted after Post-Completion OPT has ended.
Students with a pending STEM application (as evidenced by a receipt notice from USCIS) may continue working up to 180 days while the application is being processed.
STEM OPT Extension Authorization Dates
Example: Current Post-Completion OPT EAD expires October 10, 2022. STEM extension begins October 11, 2022 and ends October 10, 2024.
How to Apply for the STEM OPT Extension
Requesting the STEM OPT Extension I-20
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Practical Training and submit the STEM OPT Extension Request e-form.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of a decision or follow-up for more information.
***Important: USCIS must receive the STEM OPT Extension application within 60 days of the date the I-20 was generated by the ISSS Advisor. Failure to submit within this time frame could result in the denial of your application.***
Apply by Mail
- Two (2) Payment Options
- Personal check or U.S. money order in the amount of current I-765 filing fee made payable to Department of Homeland Security. The current I-765 filing fee can be found on the USCIS website.
- By credit card. Submit completed form G-1450 (Authorization for Credit Card Transaction) with your application.
- Two (2) passport-style photos with your I-94 number lightly penciled on the back of photos. Photos need to be within the last 30 days.
- Completed Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (if desired)
- Completed Form I-765 (signed in black ink). Make sure to include the proper STEM Code Eligibility (C) (3) (C) on I-765.
- STEM OPT Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink).
- Copy of passport biographical page.
- Copy of Visa Stamp or I-797 Approval Notice if you changed your visa status within the U.S.
- Copy of I-94.
- Copy of all previous EAD cards.
- Georgia State transcript, showing conferral of eligible STEM degree.
- Copy of diploma, showing conferral of eligible STEM degree.
USCIS Mailing Address: Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization for Foreign Students can be found on the USCIS website.
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents you send USCIS for your records.
Apply Online
Students should gather the following materials:
- Digital 2x2 color passport photo that meets USCIS specifications
- A scan of your Post-Completion OPT EAD card
- STEM OPT Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink before scanning).
- A copy of your most recent I-94.
- Georgia State University transcript, showing conferral of eligible STEM degree.
- Copy of diploma, showing conferral of eligible STEM degree.
- A credit/debit card to pay the USCIS filing fee
- Institution Accreditation
- You do not need to gather or upload anything for this section unless you are applying for STEM OPT based on a PREVIOUS degree; as in a degree prior to the one you obtained at Georgia State University. Please speak to ISSS if you feel this applies to you.
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents submitted to USCIS for your records, including the I-765 draft.
Once you have gathered all of your documents, you will log into your USCIS Online Account and click to file the I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. The eligibility category for STEM OPT is (c)(3)(C) STEM Extension.
Maintaining Status While on STEM OPT
Working While STEM Application is Pending
Students who are granted a 24-month STEM OPT extension are allowed an additional 60 days of unemployment beyond the initial post-completion OPT limit. This means that students who obtain a 24-month STEM OPT extension will receive, for a total of 150 days of allowable unemployment, 90 days during the initial period of post-completion OPT plus an additional 60 days during the extension period.
Employment Reporting Requirements
New Employer
- When a STEM OPT student changes employers, the new employer must be E-Verified before employment begins.
- The student must submit a new Form I-983 to their DSO within 10 days of their employment start date via iStart.
Ending/Loss of Employment
- Within 10 days of leaving an employer, the STEM OPT student must complete the Final Evaluation on Student Progress section on page 5 of the I-983. It must be signed by student and employer, then submitted to ISSS via iStart.
Material Change in Current Employment
- Each STEM OPT student must report any material changes or deviations from the training plan (Form I-983) to their DSO, via iStart. In the event of a material change, the student must submit an updated I-983.
- Material changes or deviations from the original Form I-983 may include, but are not limited to:
- Any change of the employer’s EIN.
- Any reduction in student compensation that is not tied to a reduction in hours worked.
- Any significant decrease in hours per week that a student engages in a STEM training opportunity.
- Changes to the employer’s commitments or student’s learning objectives as documented on the Form I-983.
Student must report any of the changes listed above with 10 days of the change.
6-Month Employment Validation Reporting
As part of this 6-month reporting, STEM OPT students must confirm that their SEVIS information correctly identifies their:
- Legal name.
- Residential or mailing address.
- Employer name and address.
- Status of current employment.
Students will receive an e-mail from ISSS reminding them to submit the 6-month employment confirmation via iStart.
I-983 Self-Evaluation Submission Requirements
- 12-months after the OPT STEM start date. Complete the "Evaluation On Student Progress" section on page 5 of Form I-983.
- 24-months after the OPT STEM start date, at the end of the approval period. Complete the "Final Evaluation On Student Progress" section on page 5 of Form I-983.
Students will receive an e-mail from ISSS reminding them to submit these evaluations via iStart.
How to Report Employment and/or Changes in U.S. Address
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Practical Training and submit the STEM OPT Employment Reporting e-form or U.S. Physical Address Update.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of a approval or follow-up for more information.
Remember: Any change of employer or material change in current employment requires that the student submit a new, updated I-983.
Other Information
After STEM OPT Expiration
- Transfer SEVIS record to a different institution
- Obtain a Change of Level I-20 from ISSS to begin new degree program (which begins within 5 months)
- Depart the U.S.
- Change visa status within the U.S.
H-1B Cap Gap Extension
- Log into iStart
- From the iStart homepage: click on F-1 Student Services and submit the I-20 Update or Duplicate e-form.
- After submission, an ISSS advisor will review your e-form submission within 3-5 business days and notify you via email of approval or follow-up for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions About STEM Extension
What is E-Verify?
What should I do if my employer is not E-Verified?
Should I apply for the STEM extension if I am on the H1-B cap-gap?
What if my H1-B is denied after my STEM OPT Authorization has ended?
Within those 60 days students must do one of the following:
- Transfer SEVIS record to a different institution
- Obtain a Change of Level I-20 from ISSS to begin new degree program (which begins within 5 months)
- Depart the U.S.
Severe Economic Hardship
Regulatory Reference: 8 C.F.R. 214.2(f)(9)(ii)(C)-(D) and (F)]
Severe economic hardship employment authorization is occasionally authorized by USCIS. The authorization is usually for 1 year at a time to address major, unforeseen financial needs beyond the F-1 student’s control that arose after the student began enrollment. Authorization is granted only after all other potential employment opportunities have proven insufficient. Examples include:
- loss of financial aid or on-campus employment without fault on the part of the student
- substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate
- inordinate increases in tuition and/or living costs
- unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student’s source of support, medical bills or other substantial and unexpected expenses.
Note: pregnancy and related costs are not considered unforeseen.
Scope of Employment and Limitations
- The work performed can be in any type of job, not just related to the field of study.
- The work can be done in addition to a GRA or other on-campus employment.
- The authorization is automatically terminated if the student changes schools or loses F-1 visa status, regardless of the dates on the EAD card the applicant will receive.
- A change of program or degree level at the same school are permitted and will not affect this type of authorization.
- You have been in F-1 visa status for one full academic year (fall + spring).
- You are in good academic standing and enrolled full-time.
- Employment will not interfere with your studies.
- You can demonstrate:
- A. the employment is necessary to avoid severe economic hardship due to unforeseen economic circumstances beyond your control.
- B. the needs creating the hardship were also unforeseen.
- C. on-campus employment opportunities are not available or they are insufficient to meet your need.
Requesting the Severe Economic Hardship I-20
- Students requesting the Severe Economic Hardship I-20 are required to speak with an ISSS advisor to determine eligibility and will be given access to the Severe Economic Hardship Request e-form in iStart.
- Students are required to upload a succinct, factual and well-prepared personal statement addressed to USCIS into the e-form. This statement must describe the unforeseen hardship situation in detail. Backup documentation is suggested - for example: news articles, a letter from home telling of a change in family circumstances or proof of a currency devaluation in your country, etc.
- After submission of the e-form, an ISSS advisor will review the submission within 3-5 business days and notify the student via email of a decision or follow-up for more information.
Apply By Mail
- Two (2) Payment Options
- Personal check or U.S. money order in the amount of current I-765 filing fee made payable to Department of Homeland Security. The current I-765 filing fee can be found on the USCIS website.
- By credit card. Submit completed form G-1450 (Authorization for Credit Card Transaction) with your application.
- Two (2) passport-style photos with your I-94 number lightly penciled on the back of photos. Photos need to be within the last 30 days.
- Completed Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (if desired)
- Completed Form I-765 (signed in black ink). Make sure to include the proper Severe Economic Hardship Code Eligibility (C) (3) (iii) on the I-765.
- Severe Economic Hardship Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink).
- Personal Statement
- Copy of unofficial transcript from the Georgia State Registrar's Office.
- Copy of passport biographical page.
- Copy of Visa Stamp or I-797 Approval Notice if you changed your visa status within the U.S.
- Copy of I-94.
- Photocopies current and prior I-20s
USCIS Mailing Address: Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization for Foreign Students can be found on the USCIS website. Once you have all the documents, you will prepare and submit the above-mentioned items to USCIS in one packet at your own expense.
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents you send USCIS for your records.
Employment Authorization Card (EAD)
Starting Work
- You may not begin employment until you have received the EAD.
- Authorization is granted in 1-year intervals up to the expected date of completion of studies.
- You may work part-time with the EAD when school is in session, but you must be enrolled as a full-time student. You may work full-time with the EAD during vacations.
- The employment does not have to be related to the course of study and it does not count towards the 20-hour on-campus maximum. You are advised to find employment relevant to your career goals, but that is not required.
Internship with an International Organization
Regulatory Reference: 8 CFR 214.2 (f)(9)(iii)
F-1 students may be eligible to receive authorization for employment with a qualifying international organization. This type of employment is intended for work, such as an internship, within the meaning of the International Organization Immunities Act (59 Stat. 669).
Note: Not all international organizations qualify for this authorization per federal rules.
Here is the list maintained at 8 CFR 316.20(c) of international organizations the United States recognizes under the International Organizations Immunities Act [22 USC 288; 59 Stat. 669].
Scope of Employment and Limitations
- As long as the student is in valid F-1 status there is no waiting period prior to becoming eligible to apply for this type of employment.
- This type of employment can be full-time or part-time while classes are in session.
- Authorization can be granted in increments of up to one year.
- While there is no requirement that work experience be directly related to the your field of study, such employment offers are usually made to students with a particular academic or practical background.
- There is no limit to the total amount of time granted for this type of employment authorization.
- This type of employment authorization does not impact the student’s eligibility for participation in other types of employment related to F-1 status. However, during the period of employment the student must otherwise continue to maintain status, including continuing to pursue a full course of study.
- currently be maintaining a full-time program of study and in valid F-1 status; and
- have written certification from a recognized international organization on the organization's letterhead that the proposed employment is within the scope of the organization's sponsorship
Please note: the following students are not eligible for this type of employment:
- Students in the English Language Program (IEP)
- Students in J-1 visa status
If you are uncertain whether you meet the eligibility requirements, please meet with an ISSS advisor.
Requesting the International Organization Recommend I-20
- Students requesting the recommended employment with valid International Organization I-20 are required to speak with an ISSS advisor to determine eligibility and will be given access to the International Organization Authorization Request e-form in iStart.
- After submission of the e-form, an ISSS advisor will review the submission within 3-5 business days and notify the student via email of a decision or follow-up for more information.
Apply By Mail
- Two (2) Payment Options
- Personal check or U.S. money order in the amount of current I-765 filing fee made payable to Department of Homeland Security. The current I-765 filing fee can be found on the USCIS website.
- By credit card. Submit completed form G-1450 (Authorization for Credit Card Transaction) with your application.
- Two (2) passport-style photos with your I-94 number lightly penciled on the back of photos. Photos need to be within the last 30 days.
- Completed Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (if desired)
- Completed Form I-765 (signed in black ink). Make sure to include the proper Severe Economic Hardship Code Eligibility (C) (3) (ii) on the I-765.
- International Organization Requested I-20 (print, sign, and date your I-20 on page 1 with blue ink).
- Job offer/written certification from the recognized international organization on the organization's letter head that the proposed employment is within the scope of the organization's sponsorship
- Copy of passport biographical page.
- Copy of Visa Stamp or I-797 Approval Notice if you changed your visa status within the U.S.
- Copy of I-94.
- Photocopies current and prior I-20s
- Photocopies of any previously issued EAD cards
USCIS Mailing Address: Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization for Foreign Students can be found on the USCIS website. Once you have all the documents, you will prepare and submit the above-mentioned items to USCIS in one packet at your own expense.
ISSS strongly recommends you make copies of all documents you send USCIS for your records.
Employment Authorization Card (EAD)
Starting Work
- You may not begin employment until you have received the EAD.
- You must upload a copy of your EAD in iStart immediately upon receipt.
Contact Us
General Questions
Atlanta Email: [email protected]
Atlanta Phone: 404-413-2070
Perimeter Email: [email protected]
Perimeter Phone: 678-891-3235
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., EST
Monday through Friday
Atlanta Campus Location:
Sparks Hall - Room 252
ISSS, Georgia State University
33 Gilmer St. SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Atlanta Mailing Address (please use our
physical address above for express mail):
International Student and Scholar Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3987
Atlanta, GA 30302-3987
Perimeter College Location
and Mailing Address:
Building CN 2230 (Student Center)
ISSS, Perimeter College, Clarkston Campus
555 N. Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkson, GA 30021