Maintenance of Status

As an F-1 international student, you have responsibilities, benefits, and restrictions you must follow in order to maintain your F-1 visa status. If you lose your visa status because you fail to follow immigration rules, you also lose F-1 student benefits including on-campus employment and work authorizations. Most important - you could become subject to arrest and/or deportation, and future visa applications may be compromised. Depending on the type of violation, you could be barred from coming back to the U.S. for a number of years.
In order to enjoy your studies in the United States and have a great experience as an international student, take the time to learn about your immigration status and closely follow F-1 visa regulations.
Highlighted F-1 Visa Status Responsibilities
- Register full-time every fall and spring semester (unless authorized to under-enroll by ISSS)
- Maintain a current passport (valid for at least 6 months into the future)
- Know your Completion of Studies date and Grace Period
- Report all changes in your U.S. physical address via PAWS within 10 days
- Report all changes in name, dependents, and status with ISSS
- Request any transfer to another school in a timely manner
- Report any change in program of study (such as moving from one-degree level to another or a change in major) to ISSS and obtain an updated I-20
- Request an I-20 travel signature before traveling abroad via iStart
- Request an I-20 Extension at least two weeks before the document expires
- Provide ISSS updates regarding passport extensions and visa renewals
- Check your Georgia State University email account regularly for important communications from ISSS & other GSU offices
Highlighted F-1 Visa Status Restrictions
- You cannot work off-campus without previous authorization from ISSS or USCIS.
- You cannot under-enroll or withdraw from courses unless previously authorized by ISSS.
- You cannot work more than 20 hours/week while school is in session - unless required by your program of study and authorized by ISSS.
Highlighted F-1 Visa Status Benefits
- You may work on-campus without authorization.
- You may be eligible to apply for 12 months of Optional Practical Training (OPT) per degree level.
- You may be eligible for Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
- You may maintain F-1 visa status as long you follow immigration regulations because your F-1 visa status has no fixed expiration date.
F-1 students are required to enroll full-time during the fall and spring semesters, except with ISSS approval of a Reduced Course Load Authorization (RCL).
The summer semester is considered a break/vacation period. You are not required to take classes during the summer if you will enroll in the following fall semester. There are two exceptions to this rule:
- Some academic programs require full-time enrollment in summer. Consult with your academic advisor.
- If you begin your academic program in the summer semester, then you are required to enroll full-time (6 credit hours, 3 online credits permitted).
Click the topics below for more details about F-1 enrollment requirements.
Full-Time Enrollment Requirements
- Undergraduate (Associates & Bachelor’s Degrees) = 12 credit hours
- Graduate students (Masters & PhD Degrees) = 9 credit hours
- IEP (Intensive English Program) students = 18 credit hours
Summer Semester
- Continuing students: no enrollment required if enrolling in the following fall term
- New students: 6 credit hours required if summer is your 1st semester.
- Change of Status: 6 credit hours in the summer term is required if your change of status was approved after spring semester registration closed.
Final Term / Graduating
- If your final term degree requirements do not equal full-time enrollment, you must request authorization of a Reduced Course Load Authorization (RCL).
Online & Audited Courses
Audited courses do not count towards enrollment requirements.
Program Withdrawal & Reactivation
F-1 students who contact ISSS prior to course/program withdrawal may be eligible for termination of status based on “approved early withdrawal.” In this case, if they plan to return to the U.S. within 5 months, they can request “Reactivation” of status, which resets status to “active.” Reactivation protects a student’s eligibility for OPT/CPT associated with the original I-20 and visa if they have not expired. Approval for reactivation is granted by USCIS, not ISSS.
Concurrent Enrollment
A concurrently enrolled student is a student who is currently on the visa sponsorship of Georgia State University and is also taking classes at another SEVIS approved institution.
Full-time Enrollment Requirement:
Concurrently enrolled students must maintain full-time enrollment (at least twelve (12) hours for undergraduate students and at least nine (9) hours for graduate students). If summer is your first semester, you must be enrolled full-time (at least six (6) credit hours for both undergraduate and graduate students) for the summer semester. Continuing students are not required to enroll in the summer semester. Credits to count towards full-time enrollment may come from either school, as long as the total combined credits amount to a full course load. At least one course must be taken at Georgia State University.
Documentation Required:
Concurrently enrolled students must provide the SEVIS school code of the other institution to ISSS. They must also provide proof of enrollment, for example, registration record or unofficial transcript which clearly shows credit hours enrolled at the other school.
Final Degree Requirement Completed at Georgia State University:
University policy states that Georgia State University students may NOT complete their final degree requirement at another school; the final degree requirement must be completed at Georgia State University. If you have questions about this policy please speak with your academic department.
Additional Requirements for Graduate Students:
Graduate students seeking concurrent enrollment must provide written approval from the academic advisor or professor in their major department. The approval must state that classes taken as concurrent enrollment will transfer back to Georgia State University and count towards your intended degree.
The Access and Accommodations Center (AACE)
At Georgia State University, international students and domestic students receive access to the same services and resources to support access and accommodations. The Access and Accommodations Center serves students with physical, learning, sensory, psychological disabilities that substantially alter a major life activity.
Examples of major life activities include, but are not limited to:
- walking
- communicating
- thinking and learning
- seeing
It is important to note that many students have non-visible disabilities such as diabetes, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, depression and other conditions. The Access and Accommodations Center (AACE) is committed to providing access to campus resources and opportunities to allow students with disabilities to obtain a quality educational experience at Georgia State.
For more information about ADA, please contact the Access and Accommodations Center.
Approval of a Reduced Course Load Authorization (RCL) is possible in certain situations. RCL approval is the only way to receive an exception to F-1 full-time enrollment requirements.
Do Not withdraw from courses without ISSS advisement, even if you are failing. The Reduced Course Load Authorization requires pre-authorization by ISSS.
Reasons for Requesting a Reduced Course Load Authorization
- Final Term (semester authorization): you are in your final term and less than a full-time enrollment is required to complete your program. The remaining course(s) must be required for degree/program completion.
- Dissertation / Thesis (length determined by academic advisor): you have completed all courses and you're currently working on a dissertation or thesis only.
- Research Abroad (semester authorization): you will be conducting research abroad that is directly related to your thesis or dissertation. Note: You must still be registered in at least 1 credit hour at Georgia State during your time abroad.
- Difficulty with English Language (semester authorization): you are experiencing difficulties with the English language during your 1st semester only.
- Improper Course Placement (1st semester authorization only): you are placed in an improper course level due to administrative error. This requires a written statement from a Georgia State University official. Students cannot request this type of RCL based on their own opinions.
Authorization Duration
Students must return to full-time enrollment the semester following an approved RCL.
How to Request a Reduced Course Load Authorization
- Academic RCL requests are due by the SEVIS Reporting deadline for the academic term.
- All Reduced Course Load Authorization requests are submitted via iStart
Regulatory Reference: 8 CFR 214.2 (f)(6)(iii)(B)
ISSS may authorize a student to enroll less than full-time due to a temporary medical condition or illness. The request requires an application and approval for the RCL before under-enrollment occurs. Failure to receive ISSS authorization before under-enrolling is a violation of F-1 status and may result in termination of a student’s SEVIS record.
In order to apply for authorized medical under-enrollment, the student must submit the following via iStart:
- Written documentation from a Medical Doctor (M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O), Clinical Psychologist, or Licensed Psychiatrist on letterhead recommending temporary, part-time enrollment or no enrollment for a specific academic term. The letter must be signed and provide the medical professional's contact information.
If approved by ISSS, the student may drop below full-time enrollment only for the period of time granted by ISSS. To continue under-enrollment in subsequent terms, the student must again apply and be authorized for the reduced course load before under-enrollment occurs. The maximum amount of time allowed by the regulations for this type of RCL is 12 months per degree level. Be aware that medical RCL approval is at the sole discretion of ISSS.
Do Not withdraw from courses without ISSS advisement, even if you are failing. The Reduced Course Load Authorization requires pre-authorization by ISSS.
Please Note: pregnancy or delivery is not considered a medical condition eligible for the RCL - unless there are medical complications outside of a normal pregnancy/delivery. In that case, ISSS may authorize medical RCL on a case-by-case basis.
Authorization Duration
Students must return to full-time enrollment the semester following an approved MRCL. A MRCL can be extended into the following term if necessary; however, the student must request the authorization and submit an updated medical recommendation letter in iStart.
How to Request a Reduced Course Load Authorization
- Medical RCL requests can be submitted when needed.
- All Reduced Course Load Authorization requests are submitted via iStart
Determining Your Completion of Study Date
The I-20 provides Program Start and Program End dates. The Program End Date is generated based on the estimated time it may take the F-1 student to complete their degree program.
If a student needs to extend their Program End Date, then they must request an extension of their I-20 (at least) 2 weeks before it expires via iStart.
If a student completes all degree requirements before the Program End Date on their I-20, ISSS will shorten their Program End Date. This action will be taken at the request of the student or upon release of the degree conferral list by the Office of the Registrar.
For undergraduate and graduate non-thesis students, completion of a course of study is the last day of final exams of the semester in which they finish all degree requirements.
All other graduate (thesis/dissertation) students can choose between three dates for completion of study:
- On the last day of finals in the semester in which the student completes all required coursework.
- On the date the student successfully defends their thesis/dissertation. (This date is established between the student and the academic advisor or department chair.)
- On the last day of finals in the semester in which the final degree requirement is met.
What happens after my I-20 is shortened?
From this new I-20 Program End Date, the 60-day Grace Period begins.
What is a Grace Period?
F-1 students who complete their program of study have a 60 day Grace Period.
BEFORE the end of the 60 day Grace Period, F-1 students must do one of the following:
- Transfer their SEVIS record to a different institution
- Obtain a Change of Level I-20 from ISSS to begin new degree program (which begins within 5 months)
- Request an I-20 for Post-Completion OPT from our office and submit the Post-Completion OPT application to USCIS
- Depart the U.S.
Students should not travel internationally (including cruises) and attempt to re-enter in F-1 visa status during the Grace Period. If you have questions about travel after completing your academic program, please speak with an ISSS advisor before you travel.
Please Note: There is not a Grace Period for students who lose their visa status due to an immigration violation.
After Withdrawal from Your Academic Program
F-1 students authorized by ISSS to withdraw from their academic program or enrollment for the term are granted 15 days to depart the U.S.
After Post-Completion Optional Practical Training/STEM Extension OPT
- Transfer SEVIS record to a different institution
- Obtain a Change of Level I-20 from ISSS to begin new degree program (which begins within 5 months)
- Depart the U.S.
- Change visa status within the U.S.
When an I-20 is terminated, the student loses their F-1 visa status. There are two options available to regain F-1 visa status.
1. Travel Option
To obtain an I-20 from Georgia State for this purpose, students must provide ISSS with updated financial information and be enrolled full-time for next available semester. Students are encouraged to contact your ISSS Advisor to discuss risks associated with this option.
2. Reinstatement Option
Not everyone is eligible for reinstatement. The eligibility requirements are below. Students who have lost their F-1 visa status should contact an ISSS advisor to discuss their particular circumstances immediately after termination of their I-20 document.
Students recommended for reinstatement are encouraged to work with an immigration attorney for submission of their application to USCIS.
Eligibility Requirements:
- You have not been out of status for more than 5 months
- You are enrolled full time or plan to enroll full time as soon as possible
- You have not been employed without authorization
- You are not in deportation proceedings
- You lost status for reasons beyond your control
- You do not have a record of repeated or willful violations or other unlawful activity
Time Limit:
Students who have lost status have a period of 5 months to apply for reinstatement. If you apply beyond the 5-month-period, your application is less likely to be approved because you will have to demonstrate exceptional circumstances which prevented you from applying within 5 months.
Enrollment & Travel:
A student is allowed to remain in the U.S. while their reinstatement application is pending with USCIS. Full-time enrollment each fall and spring semester is required while reinstatement is pending. If reinstatement takes longer than the 60-day grace period after completion of your program of study end, you will not be eligible for OPT.
Travel outside the U.S. is not permitted while reinstatement is pending.
Frequently Asked Questions
I might be out of status. What should I do?
How long does reinstatement take?
What if I don't apply for reinstatement and stay in the U.S.?
Can I study or work if I am out of status?
- CPT, OPT, on-campus employment
- GRA’s, waivers/tuition assistance
- Issuance of a Social Security Number or a Georgia Driver’s License.
Contact Us
General Questions
Atlanta Email: [email protected]
Atlanta Phone: 404-413-2070
Perimeter Email: [email protected]
Perimeter Phone: 678-891-3235
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., EST
Monday through Friday
Atlanta Campus Location:
Sparks Hall - Room 252
ISSS, Georgia State University
33 Gilmer St. SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Atlanta Mailing Address (please use our
physical address above for express mail):
International Student and Scholar Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3987
Atlanta, GA 30302-3987
Perimeter College Location
and Mailing Address:
Building CN 2230 (Student Center)
ISSS, Perimeter College, Clarkston Campus
555 N. Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkson, GA 30021